Maricopa Point is a fascinating viewpoint located right at the edge of the Grand Canyon South Rim – one of the world’s most amazing natural wonders.
This point is, in fact, one of the most breathtaking places to enjoy the canyon’s views.
Maricopa Point, Features, Trail, South Rim, Grand Canyon National Park
The views from this point provide a panorama of the Grand Canyon, making Maripoa key stop along the route. With its unobstructed views, visitors can spot the Tonto Trail as it meanders around Dana Butte and Horn Creek. You may also be able to see the Bright Angel Trail as it snakes down Garden Creek. On many days, it is easy to point out the hikers in the distance as they explore the trails and the expanse of the canyon.
To the west of Maricopa Point lie the remains of what used to be the Orphan Mine. Built towards the end of the 19th century, the mines once served as an excellent source of Vanadium, Silver, and Copper. Over the years, miners discovered rich deposits of uranium that made the mines the biggest source of its kind.
A closer look at the mining area reveals a couple of ruined buildings and mining equipment that once roared in the 20th century. Today, the route to the mines has been closed off and for about half a mile due to fears around radioactive deposits in the mines.
Maricopa Point makes up part of the Hermit Road, which is a scenic route that runs along the canyon’s South Rim. The route can be accessed by foot, on a bicycle, as well as using the park’s complimentary shuttle bus.
The next stops to the east and west of Maricopa are Grandeur and Powell Points, respectively.
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